While March has been a busy period at Proteus, they isn't much to pass on in terms of interesting specifics. Our focus has primarily been directed at progressing the research associated with assessing anthropogenic impacts on protected species, in a fisheries-related context. As noted last month, part of this project is to develop a web-based interface for evaluating potential impacts, for which we are developing a Shiny app, which allows the execution of R-code in a web-based environment.
Shiny Apps
Over the next 12 months we intend to develop a number of Shiny apps for different purposes (e.g., sample size calculators, visualisation tools, simple occupancy analyses) that will be made available through the Resources section of the Proteus website. We have already made a couple of initial tools options there, so feel free to check them out.
Online Courses
Included in last months newsletter email (sign up link below, if you haven't already), we ran a poll asking for feedback on preferred options on the general format of an online course. The offered options are given below and a summary of the results is presented in the image for this post (from an overall response rate of 24%). The options provided were:
- Not interested.
- Live presentations and exercises so I can interact with the instructor in real time.
- Prerecorded presentations and exercises that I can complete in my own time, and live online chat with the instructor at fixed times.
- Prerecorded presentations and exercises that I can complete in my own time, and email/forum interactions with the instructor.
- Prerecorded presentations and exercises that I can complete in my own time only. I don't need to interact with the instructor.
On this basis we are planning to start developing some online course content around the fourth option; providing prerecorded material and email/forum interactions with instructors. Watch this space for further details!